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Keep Calm and Love JavaScript Unit Tests - Part 2: Asynchronism

Thibaut Gatouillat4 min read

In the previous article we discovered how to write simple unit tests thanks to the Mocha-Sinon-Chai stack. Let’s now continue with this stack and focus on a problem we will necessarily be confronted to if we use JavaScript: testing asynchronous…

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Improve the performance of your webapp: configure Nginx to cache

Nicolas Trinquier6 min read

Sometimes, improving the user’s loading experience is not enough, and you need real changes to make your application load faster.So you try CSS and JS minification or image compression but your app is only a bit faster to load. These…

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Straight to production with Docker, Ansible and CircleCI

Nicolas Girault6 min read

Docker shakes up the way we use to put into production. In this article I'll present the main obstacles I encountered to set up the production workflow...

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Increase team productivity with Github templates

Thibault Coudray3 min read

GitHub released in February a new functionality that the community has been asking for years. It’s now possible to set up templates for issues and pull requests! How does it work? Implementing these new templates is quite easy. Step One: Create a .github folder…

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Build a perfect Scrumboard with Trello and some Chrome/Firefox Extensions

Jonathan Beurel2 min read

Trello is the perfect online equivalent of the whiteboard To build a perfect Scrumboard, we need:Columns and Cards Complexity points on each card Number of Cards by column Card Numbers Labels1) Columns and Cards Trello provides drag&drop cards. Tips: You can use < and > shortcuts…

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10 tips to read 500 emails per day

Raphaël Dubigny1 min read

I recently had a quick formation with Benoît Charles-Lavauzelle our CEO at Theodo. He taught me how to be efficient at reading emails. Here are his advices:don't sort emails. Use the search. don't use multiple labels. One label is enough: urgent…

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Guard: Creating a Simple Authentication System for Symfony

Antoine Kahn5 min read

Building a custom authentication system for Symfony can get atrocious.You can get a glimpse of that here.You have to deal with multiple classes, connect them to each other, and hope for the best.It is hard to customize and never fun…

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How to run your Symfony application on Ubuntu Xenial

Maxime Thoonsen2 min read

This article explains the differences I found between Trusty and Xenial to run a Symfony application. So what's new in the latest Ubuntu LTS release? On the application side we have:PHP 7.0 Nginx 1.9.15 Python 3.5 Postgresql 9.5 Mysql 5.7.11 Mongo 2.6.10 Docker 1.10From Trusty to Xenial My…

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How to become a hacker in 10 minutes

Paul Molin6 min read

As a Web developer, and above all, as someone who is interested in bringing value as soon as possible to my client, one of my main goals is to release the features I developed into production as soon as possible.

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Keep calm and love JavaScript unit tests - Part 1

Thibaut Gatouillat8 min read

A few months ago, we started a project with a Node.js backend. During this project we learned how to write clean and efficient tests, and we decided to write about it. In this first part we will present the tools we…

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