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Autoscaling with AWS

Nathan Gaberel12 min read

What is autoscaling? Do I need it? A good application should always be able to send responses to users' requests within reasonable delay. That's the whole point of application scaling. Most of the time the scaling process is predictable and happens over…

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Microservices - Solve your Redis fixtures problem

Maxime Thoonsen3 min read

Redis is a fantastic tool to handle data in an amazingly simple and rapid manner. If you're not using it yet, here's a way you can manage redis fixtures in your projects. Redis and microservices In our current web project, we use…

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Getting Started with React, Redux and Immutable: a Test-Driven Tutorial (Part 2)

Nicolas Goutay16 min read

Image credits: This is the second and last part of the React, Redux and Immutable tutorial. In case you missed it, the first part is available here. In the first part, we laid the UI foundation for our app, developing and…

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It’s alive! Get your Ionic app to update automatically (Part 2)

Woody Rousseau4 min read

In part 1 of this tutorial, we learned how you can get your Ionic app to self-update, to deploy new code whenever needed, instead of having to wait up to two weeks for Apple to review your new versions. Deploy channels As…

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Getting Started with React, Redux and Immutable: a Test-Driven Tutorial (Part 1)

Nicolas Goutay23 min read

Image credits: A few weeks ago, I was idly browsing through Hacker News, and read a headline about Redux, which I understood was yet another thing that was supposed to get along well with React. Javascript fatigue had already got…

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Lost in Symfony XLIFF translations

Tristan Roussel2 min read

XLIFF? XLIFF is one of the 3 different formats you can use for translation in Symfony.It is the recommended format because of its standard use by professional translators. <trans-unit id="42"> <source>french_food</source> <target>Omelette du fromage</target> </trans-unit>In Symfony, ids…

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What is the future of Meteorjs

Thibaut Cheymol5 min read

A few weeks ago, I went to a Meteor meetup. On this occasion, I had the chance to attend a highly instructive debate about the future of a framework I like. I will try to give you a quick summary…

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DROWN attack: check your server configuration

Remy Luciani2 min read

A new security vulnerability has been detected in HTTPS yesterday: DROWN. The attack can decrypt a HTTPS connection. Impact: hackers can steal your users data, such as their password, credit card number and personal information.Basically, your server is vulnerable if…

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One file to rule them all

Vincent Langlet2 min read

Why use EditorConfig? Developers do not want to take time to define and maintain consistent coding styles. But what if:your team uses different editors and IDEs? your team members are never the same? you are on several projects at the same time?Yes, you…

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It’s alive! Get your Ionic app to update automatically (Part 1)

Woody Rousseau4 min read

If you love hybrid mobile development, it’s probably because you are also really fond of web development. One of the reasons is likely that you’re always certain that users are getting the latest version you deployed. Hybrid mobile development sure is…

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