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Feature Toggling in Angular with 20 Lines of Code

Louis Zawadzki4 min read

What is feature toggling? Feature toggling enables you to toggle features or change your application's content quickly and without any change to the application source code. It can be used for various applications such as A/B testing or to display time-limited content…

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Configure Xdebug and PhpStorm for a Vagrant project in 5 minutes

Yann Jacquot4 min read

Warning: this article concerns php5 version. If your PHP version is different, replace php5 by php/X.Y in paths (X.Y is your PHP version) and phpX.Y in command. For example :sudo apt-get install php5-xdebug becomes sudo apt-get install php5.6-xdebug /etc/php5/mods-available/xdebug.ini becomes /etc/php/5.6/mods-available/xdebug.iniI love…

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Share and document your API with Postman Cloud

Foucauld Degeorges7 min read

When working on a project with both an API and a frontend, it's more convenient to work on both at the same time, as they can influence one another. I was recently working on an API with a mobile development team, and…

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How to Become a Leader in Five Steps

Melchior Merlin5 min read

What Is Leadership? At Theodo, we do not define a leader as some charismatic individual who gets everyone to adopt their own vision of things. Rather, we consider someone to be an effective leader if they always strive to–and succeed at–bringing…

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Implementing A/B Testing in Only 5 Minutes!

Sammy Teillet4 min read

Have you ever met a coworker or client which is persuaded that you should do this way while you think it'd be better that way? Instead of infinite debate what you need is facts! Let's Not Make a Choice!The choice is not…

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Nginx Web Cache Directives: Make Your App Fast and Scalable in 15 Minutes!

Maxime Sraïki5 min read

Web Cache? A few days ago, Nicolas Trinquier wrote a cool article about how to improve your webapp performances using browser cache with Nginx.Reading it will teach you that browsers can store content received from the server in order to avoid…

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MITM Attack — Reverse Engineering an Encrypted Service

Kevin Raynel8 min read

Legal disclaimerIn France, reverse engineering is allowed as long as it serves a goal of interoperability. Here, we will not be accessing data that should not have been accessible otherwise. Before trying to access data in a way that was not…

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How to Turn a Horrible Spreadsheet Into Clean Calculation Code

Loïc Gelle9 min read

Implementing complex calculations in a project can be quite tricky, especially when your only calculation model is a gigantic spreadsheet full of horrible formulas. The aim of this article is to guide you through the construction of a clean and functional…

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A Comprehensive Introduction to Webpack, the Module Bundler

Stanislas Bernard10 min read

As a front-end Javascript developer, managing your source files can quickly get tricky. On the back-end side, Node has a built-in module resolver —require— whereas there is no built-in module resolver in the browsers. In this article, I will get you…

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Expose your local environment to the world with ngrok

Matthieu Auger4 min read

Have you ever wanted to expose a local server to the entire internet? It may sound scary but can be really useful. Use-cases are infinite, here are a few:You are developing a web application on your computer and you need…

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