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Articles from Matthieu Auger

Deploy your JAMstack app to Netlify in one click from your smartphone

Matthieu Auger2 min read

A few weeks ago, Nicolas and I launched, a JAMstack website powered by GatsbyJS and hosted on Netlify. JAMstack applications deliver static websites to end-users with the benefit of high performance and CDN ease and still allow dynamism by sourcing content…

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Expose your local environment to the world with ngrok

Matthieu Auger4 min read

Have you ever wanted to expose a local server to the entire internet? It may sound scary but can be really useful. Use-cases are infinite, here are a few:You are developing a web application on your computer and you need…

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Debug your event listeners and subscribers easily in Symfony

Matthieu Auger2 min read

Ever found yourself stuck in a stack of subscribers and listeners, unable to determine why and which class has modified your object after an event has been dispatched? The old solution Previously, you could search in your code for the name of…

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Don't bother with keys, open your door with Google API

Matthieu Auger6 min read

At Theodo we face various issues, and sometimes it starts at the very beginning of the day.For safety concerns, the front door of the company does not have a handle, and only opens with a key or RFIDpass. While Theodo had…

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