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Don't bother with keys, open your door with Google API

Matthieu Auger6 min read

At Theodo we face various issues, and sometimes it starts at the very beginning of the day.

We are using Google Apps to handle company user accounts, and Google offers a powerful OAuth 2.0 API to authenticate users. Bazinga! Let’s build a solution to open the front door with our smartphones using Google API.

Theodo Door


Here is a summary of the technologies we are going to use:

Still interested? Here are the details:


First of all an Arduino, connected to the company network and listening to incoming connections. Arduino runs programs written in C. In our case, the code is widely inspired of We only removed the beeps, and changed the expected message from “1” to a more complex private key.


The second part of our development consisted of being able to open the door using Node.js. Node.js offers powerful modules for almost everything. Here we only want to send a message to a server, let’s use net module.

// lib/client/door.js
var net = require("net");

function open() {
  var client = new net.Socket();
  client.connect("1337", "", function() {
    console.log("Opening the Door");
    client.write("MY_AWESOME_PRIVATE_KEY" + "\r");

  client.on("data", function(data) {
    console.log("Receiving response : " + data);

    if ("CLOSE\n" == data) {

Quite easy! We connect to the server port and send it the private key. The server answers “OPEN”, sleeps for 2 seconds then sends “CLOSE”. Once the “CLOSE” message has been received, we disconnect our client.

Web interface with Express framework

Now that the node client had been developed, we needed a simple interface to display buttons. We decided to use Express Node.js framework with Jade templates, and Bootstrap CSS for buttons.

doctype html
        title Theodo Door
        link(rel='stylesheet', href='/stylesheets/bootstrap.min.css')
        link(rel='stylesheet', href='/stylesheets/style.css')
        block content

extends layout

block content
        h1 Theodo Door
        button#openDoor.btn(type="button") OPEN

        ) Google

At this point, we have a client and an interface. The only missing piece is the logic which will make them work together.

Authentication with Oauth

Google offers a client to facilitate OAuth transactions. We only need a Google application. For practical reasons, I will not detail here the steps to create one : you can do it easily by opening the google developer console, creating a new project and configuring the credentials properly (redirect URI is the most important part).

In practice, how does an OAuth transaction work?

What is the utility of the refresh token? Access tokens have a limited lifetime. A refresh token can be stored server-side to fetch a new access token whenever you need it, and this without new authorization of the user.

Now, how will we handle this? First we get the refresh token of the user and store it in his/her browser. Then another action will be responsible of fetching this refresh token from the browser and checking the user information to decide if the door is to be opened.

Right now, you may ask if storing a refresh token client-side and transfer it on the network is a good idea. Indeed, it’s not recommended. We are doing it here for three reasons :

Generating the connection page with Express:

// Index action. Juste some buttons with the URL for Google Authentication
app.get("/", function(req, res) {
  var authUrl = oauth2Client.generateAuthUrl({
    access_type: "offline",
    scope: "",
    state: "profile",
    approval_prompt: "force"
  res.render("index", {
    authUrl: authUrl

// Action which will read the token sent back by Google
app.get("/oauthcallback", function(req, res) {
  var code = req.query.code;
  oauth2Client.getToken(code, function(err, tokens) {
    if (!"refresh_token" in tokens) {
      return res.send("Authentication process has failed");
    // Send back the token to the client in URL
    res.redirect("/?refresh_token=" + tokens.refresh_token);

Client-side, some javascript code manages to fetch the token in the URL and to store it in local storage.

Finally, each morning, the application checks if a refresh token is present in local storage. If not the process above is triggered. Otherwise, we send it to our application in AJAX. The remaining step is the easier, we read the domain of the user email with the token, and if the domain match, we call our client to open the door."/api/opendoor", function(req, res) {
  var refresh_token = req.body.refresh_token;
  oauth2Client.credentials = {
    refresh_token: refresh_token
  };"oauth2", "v1").execute(function(err, client) {
    if (!err) {
        .execute(function(err, results) {
          var email =;

          if (email.indexOf("") + "".length != email.length) {
            return res.send({
              status: -1,
              message: "Google Plus authentication failed (domain mismatch)"


            status: 0,
            message: "Door opened. Welcome !"

And voilà! The whole thing requires a small effort to set it up but offers ourselves a lot of flexibility. A new theodoer is autonomous the very first day of his arrival.

Bonus: HTML5 manifest

As a bonus, and in order to render the page as fast as possible, an HTML5 manifest has been added. Basically, the browser will cache the entire page and its assets (JavaScript and stylesheets).

# v0.5

Thanks to this, once the token is safely stored in the local storage, the sole data transmitted to the server is the only important information: the user token.

A demo of the application can be seen at and sources will be available soon on Github.

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