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Angular is the new Black - Chapter I

Aurelie Violette5 min read

A few months ago when joining Theodo team, we discovered what JavaScript is really about, and we (Aurélie and David) decided to share on this blog our journey through AngularJS. This framework, developed and supported by no less than Google,

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Easily comply with Symfony2 coding style using CodeSniffer and PhpStorm Code Inspection

Jonathan Beurel2 min read

The goal of this article is to implement Symfony2 coding style in your PhpStorm editor. This will take you 5 minutes to configure your workspace. Symfony2 CodeSniffer installation You can follow this steps to install the Symfony2 standard CodeSniffer using Composer.Install phpcs: composer global require…

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Hackathon@42 #SocieteGenerale

Adlen Afane8 min read

Hackathon@42 #SocieteGenerale Last week-end (23rd-25th May 2014) was an industrious one: our dream team (Adlen, David and Jean-Rémi) participated in Société Générale’s first hackathon in the brand new information-technology school 42. The theme was inspiring: “a hackathon by devs for devs”. Imagining…

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Install a sms two factor authentication in Symfony2

Raphaël Dubigny6 min read

Abstract: This article aims to help you build a two step authentication with sms for your Symfony2 application. It works like the google two step authentication. Here is the workflow of the achieved feature:the user fills in a first login form…

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Gulp: the modern frontend factory

David Nowinsky2 min read

I'm excited everyday I write front-end code with these amazing tools we now have to build client-side apps with pleasure.I liked JavaScript but typing so many brackets was killing my keyboard, then I discovered CoffeeScript.I was desperately trying to rationalize…

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Manage PHP errors and exceptions in your project

Benjamin Grandfond8 min read

During application development, developers have to handle errors in the execution flow. PHP, among many other languages, allows you to do so but since I recently stumbled upon a really bad way to do it I thought that reminding the…

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Formation à la « Pomodoro Technique® »

Guillaume Dedrie1 min read

This blog post is written in French as the related video is in French. Le 7 mars dernier, je présentais à la troupe des Theodoers une formation sur la « Pomodoro Technique® », une technique de gestion efficace du temps, des…

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Theodo is a bronze partner of dotScale 2014

Antoine Haguenauer1 min read

We're happy to announce that Theodo has been confirmed as a bronze partner of dotScale 2014 ! dotScale is a unique tech conference on Scalability, DevOps and Distributed Systems. The best hackers worldwide are invited to share their insights on stage!

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De retour du Symfony Live Paris 2014

Benjamin Grandfond3 min read

This blog post is in French as the event it relates to is French-only. De retour du Symfony Live Paris 2014 Ces lundi et mardi nous étions au sixième Symfony Live Paris qui se tenait à la Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris.

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Antoine Gruzelle is a Theodoer

Guillaume Dedrie1 min read

We're super excited to welcome Antoine Gruzelle to dev team! Thanks to being a true card player shark, he now thrives to be our pro poker planner. He can focus and control his adrenaline to tackle any difficulty that might rise…

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