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Easy Travis configuration for your Symfony2 tests using mysql database!

Reynald Mandel7 min read

Wanna kick start a project? Wanna get straight to the code as fast as possible, without spending too much time on the overheads (creating tests environments and so on...)? Well, let's build a quick ready-to-go Travis environment with a mysql database for…

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Theodo reçoit l'agrément Crédit Impôt Innovation !

Antoine Haguenauer1 min read

Docteur PH, le magicien de la recherche chez Theodo, a reçu une lettre frappée du sceau du Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche remplie de bonnes nouvelles. Theodo a reçu l'agrément Crédit d'impôt innovation (CII) au titre des années…

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Fabrice Bernhard, nouveau président de l’AFUP

Antoine Haguenauer1 min read

L’Association Française des Utilisateurs de Php (AFUP) a élu son nouveau président : il s’agit de Fabrice Bernhard, Directeur technique et co-fondateur de Theodo. Thierry Marianne, lead développeur chez Theodo a également été élu au conseil d’administration de l’AFUP. L’AFUP a pour…

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Benoît Charles-Lavauzelle to represent France at the 2014 G20 Young Entrepreneurs Alliance Summit

Antoine Haguenauer1 min read

Benoît Charles-Lavauzelle, the CEO and co-founder of Theodo, has been selected to represent French entrepreneurs at the 2014 G20 Young Entrepreneurs Alliance Summit in Australia on July 18th-22nd. Along with some of the most inspiring young entrepreneurs in France, he…

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Benoît Charles-Lavauzelle, représentant de la France au Sommet du G20 des Jeunes Entrepreneurs 2014

Antoine Haguenauer1 min read

Le directeur exécutif et co-fondateur de Theodo, Benoît Charles-Lavauzelle , a été sélectionné pour représenter les entrepreneurs français au Sommet du G20 des entrepreneurs. Celui-ci aura lieu du 18 au 22 juillet prochains en Australie. Au sein d’un panel de…

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How to code JavaScript using Bootstrap best practices?

Jonathan Beurel6 min read

Bootstrap was created at Twitter in mid-2010 by @mdo and @fat. It provides a lot of UI plugins easy to implement. You've probably already used it but have you looked at how it worked? Together, we will try to make…

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Maxime Thoonsen4 min read

Ansible is a IT automation tool very popular on GitHub. It's written in Python and has been designed to be simple to use. This article explains how we have created an Ansible provisioning for a Symfony2 project working with a Postgresql…

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Attending FOSDEM 2014 in Brussels

thierrym6 min read

On the 1st & 2nd of February 2014, Brussels became the place where to learn and to train for a plethora of tech-savvy women, men, and robots. It was all about this year's new edition of FOSDEM, which took place…

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Make image manipulation simple using Imagine in a Symfony2 application

Charles Pourcel7 min read

I recently read an interesting article on the pros and cons of two of the most known PHP image manipulation libraries: GD and ImageMagick. As interesting as this reading was, it did not mention a very useful object oriented image…

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Theodo at the SymfonyCon 2013 in Warsaw

Antoine Haguenauer2 min read

A year ago, 14 brave Theodoers were in Berlin for the Symfony Live 2012. This time, 42(!) of us joined the very best of the Symfony Community at the SymfonyCon 2013 in Warsaw during which we didn't have any time…

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