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Functional testing in an environment of Flask micro-services

Nicolas Girault4 min read

Functionally Testing an API consists in calling its routes and checking that the response status and the content of the response are what you expect.

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Stateful modals with Angular UI router

Marc Perrin-Pelletier3 min read

Stateful modals with Angular UI router Modals are very useful to capture user focus, thus enhancing user experience.Their use was largely popularized by Twitter Bootstrap and now by its Angular-equivalent: Angular UI Bootstrap. This article assumes you are familiar with the Angular…

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Docker and Virtualenv? A clean way to locally install python dependencies with pip in Docker

Nicolas Girault2 min read

If you've ever developed a python application, you've probably installed your python dependencies in a virtualenv. Thanks to virtualenv your project dependencies are now isolated from your other projects and from the operating system packages. Simple, isn't it?

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How To Automatically Update Your Angular Offline Webapps

Nicolas Goutay5 min read

It is common, for web developers, to assume that users will always use their products in near-optimal situations: a recent browser on a fast device, with a steady WiFi connection. However, when building mobile-first webapps, the last assumption is a dangerous one to…

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Create and publish an npm package

Maxime Thoonsen4 min read

I just made an npm package: gulp-backpack and it was pretty easy to publish it to npm! Therefore, I wanted to share what you need to know so you can do it too. Create your package Obviously before publishing anything you'll need…

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A Taste of CeBI(o)T

Adrien Thiery8 min read

On Monday, March 16, I got the chance to attend the first day of CeBIT 2015 in Hannover, Germany, the biggest Computer science related fair of the world and more specifically the Code_n building which theme was "Into the internet…

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Preventing CSRF attacks with Express and AngularJS

Paul Molin5 min read

CSRF vulnerabilities are one of the most common and important flaws in Web applications security. It is listed as the eighth most critical vulnerability in the OWASP Top 10. Symfony2, which we often work with at Theodo, offers cool automatic…

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Introduction to D3js Force Layout

JR Beaudoin5 min read

// <![CDATA[ var w = 580, h = 400, backgroundColor = 'black'; // ]]> The code shown below comes from the D3js website and the tons of examples it provides. What is the force layout? D3's layouts are methods that let you easily…

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Third-party proxy redirections in Angular app

Marc Perrin-Pelletier4 min read

If you've ever developed web applications for a large company, you must be familiar with having authentication done by a third-party proxy. And by third-party I mean handled by another team. This is what our full stack javascript app architecture looks…

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Debug your event listeners and subscribers easily in Symfony

Matthieu Auger2 min read

Ever found yourself stuck in a stack of subscribers and listeners, unable to determine why and which class has modified your object after an event has been dispatched? The old solution Previously, you could search in your code for the name of…

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