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How to quickly develop a quiz component with ReactJS

Benjamin Bonny4 min read

This is a quick tutorial showing how you can develop a simple and reusable component using ReactJS. The need We want a component that can display a quiz. We need to display a question, allow the user to select one or more answers,

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Electron or how cross-platform development became effortless

Tristan Pouliquen5 min read

Electron, formerly known as Atom Shell, is an awesome framework that lets you develop and build applications for all operating systems as seamlessly as possible! Here is how we started working with it and appreciating it! How we came across Electron At…

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Paris Devops Meetup : Comment partager la culture Devops au sein de son entreprise ?

Tristan Pouliquen4 min read

This blog post is in French as the event it relates to is French-only.Comme tous les premiers mardi du mois, le groupe Paris Devops a organisé son meetup, cette fois-ci dans les locaux de Dailymotion. Paris Devops est un groupe…

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Debugging your Node.js server code in the browser

Eduardo San Martin Morote5 min read

As a developer, you get to debug your code very often. In JavaScript this is donein the browser. Each browser having a different debugger, you may find out somebetter than others but the truth is they are all very handy.

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How I stopped doing repetitive and boring tasks to become more productive

Jonathan Beurel3 min read

Sourcing candidates for recruitment, managing your online reputation, populating databases... did you ever dream about a tool that does all these repetitive and boring tasks for you? 1. This app uses Google search engine to generate advanced search among thousands of…

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Warming up Varnish4 cache

Raphaël Dubigny2 min read

Caching data with varnish allows to deal with heavy data traffic at a limited cost.The question is, how can I serve fresh data even if no one have requested them recently? The solution is to request your cache regularly.This is…

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Set up MongoDB on a Travis container

Thibaut Cheymol2 min read

The new Travis Docker infrastructure Late December 2014, Travis announced the implementation of their new infrastructure based on Docker containers in order to improve build capacity, build start time, and resources usage. You can learn more about it on this very…

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Finding vulnerabilities for your dependencies with snyk

Woody Rousseau2 min read

Trusting your dependencies a bit too much? I just attended a great keynote at Velocity 2015 in Amsterdam, by Guy Podjarny (@guypod) and Assaf Hefetz, founders of, a tool in beta which was just unveiled. The keynote highlighted how most…

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JavaScript code to deal with Symfony form collections

jeanlucc2 min read

Each time you use form collections in Symfony, you need to write some JavaScript. The cookbook If you don't know what form collections are you won't be interested in this article now. However you can read the cookbook out of curiosity and come back read this article…

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Theodo accueille le Symfony Pot mardi 20 octobre !

Reynald Mandel1 min read

Theodo est heureux d'accueillir le Symfony Pot du mois d'octobre ! Tout d'abord un petit mot sur les fameux SfPot (pour les intimes ;) ). Le principe est de se regrouper un soir par mois autour de 2-3 talks en lien avec…

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