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The power of accessibility personas in web development: empathize with your users

Flora Soussand14 min read

Web accessibility holds immense importance to me. The reason why I chose to become a software engineer was the ability to construct products that would cater the needs and desires of the masses. I see web accessibility as a mean to facilitate seamless access for all individuals to enjoyable applications and websites.

Web accessibility is important for any developers as it is becoming a legal obligation. For example, by 2025 every European website will have the legal obligation to edit a declaration of accessibility. Moreover, if web accessibility were to be ignored, we would exclude potential customers, which could result in economic losses for our companies. Yet, it is my believing that we should not only treat accessibility as a mere checklist item. By prioritizing web accessibility, we contribute to a society where everyone can participate equally no matter their current situation. While technical skills are undoubtedly crucial, there is another vital aspect to crafting softwares that resonates with our users: empathy. Empathy involves connecting with users on an emotional level, gaining insights into their needs, challenges, and aspirations.

Accessibility personas are fictional characters that represent the diverse range of users with permanent or momentous disabilities. They encapsulate the unique challenges encountered by individuals. Each of the following sections will focus on a specific persona. We will explore the benefits of using accessibility personas, and delve into practical strategies for integrating them into your development workflow. By embracing empathy and the power of accessibility personas, you will have more keys to create applications that touch the lives of users in profound ways.

Amy cannot see her screen at all

First character we encounter in this article will be Amy:

Amy cannot see the content of her screen and has to find alternative solutions to navigate the web because she was born blind.

What proportion of the population does Amy represent?

In the world, 1 person over 200 is completely blind

How to help Amy?

Now that we identified our persona and her needs, we should focus on the best solutions we can activate, as developers, to help Amy navigate the web seamlessly.

Amy needs an alternative solution to access your content. She most probably would use a screen reader. It is an assistive technology that converts the content of your website into speech or braille.

If you want to experience by yourself what Amy goes through, I advise you to try navigating a website using your own screen reader. Check out VoiceOver on Mac, ORCA on Linux, NVDA on Windows or TalkBack on Android.

Here are some practical tips to smooth out navigation using screen readers:

<img src="turtle.png" alt="Turtle in a lake" />

Below, some examples that can help you implement proper labels

/* Think of adding an aria-label when no alternative text is present */
/*❌*/ <button> <image src="cross.svg" alt=""/> </button>
/*✅*/ <button aria-label="close"> <image src="cross.svg" alt=""/> </button>

/* It is not necessary to add a label if text is already on the button */
/*❌*/ <button aria-label="send">Send</button>
/*✅*/ <button>Send</button>
<p>What is your favorite cheese?</p>
  <label for="mozarella">Mozarella</label>
  <input type="radio" id="mozarella" name="mozarella" value="mozarella"/> <br/>
  <label for="camembert">Camembert</label>
  <input type="radio" id="camembert" name="camembert" value="camembert"/> <br/>
  <label for="roquefort">Roquefort</label>
  <input type="radio" id="roquefort" name="roquefort" value="roquefort"/><br/>
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">

I hope this paragraph helped you understand the problems Amy can face when navigating your softwares. By using a few simple tips, you can make a true difference for her.

Bob has hard time discerning visual details

Let’s now connect with Bob. He is not blind but some visual details are impossible for him to perceive.

There are several reasons why Bob could be in this situation, amongst those:

What proportion of the population does Bob represent?

3.0% of the global population suffers from moderate-to-severe vision impairment and around 10% have declared suffering from dyslexia.

How to help Bob?

There are some general rules you should keep in mind if you want to make sure that Bob will be able to explore your content peacefully.

Bob’s problem can be difficult to apprehend as we cannot reproduce exactly what he sees. Yet, remembering some simple design and development rules will definitely help him.

Charles cannot see visual contrasts

Charles struggles with color contrasts, he might miss the information that you want to convey through color.

Possible reasons why he is in this situation:

What part of the population does Charles represent?

8% of the population has some sort of color blindness.

How to help Charles?

What Charles needs is that you pay attention to the colors you are using: if they are not contrasted enough, he will encounter issues navigating your website. The whole development team should pay attention to the contrasts ratios of their palette.

Here is an example that can help understand the problems Charles might face:

Image with “normal” perception image normal perception

Same image with yellow-blue color blindness image color blind

On the second image it is really complicated to read the displayed text.

How is contrast between two colors calculated?

Contrast ratio between two colors is based on one notion: the relative luminance It describes the relative brightness of any point in a colourspace, normalised to 0% for black and normalised to 100% for white.

To obtain the contrast ratio use the relative luminance of the lighter colour (L1) divided by the relative luminance of the darker colour (L2).

(L1 + 0.05) / (L2 + 0.05)

You will find many resources on the web enabling you to calculate the contrasts of you web applications, for example: WEBAIM.

WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) level AA requires a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text (14 point or larger and bold or larger, or 18 point (typically 24px) or larger.) example contrast evaluation

As a developer, if you notice some color contrast that are unsuitable for Charles, you should discuss it with the rest of your team and especially your designer, everyone will learn and get better thanks to you.

It is hard for Dany to understand audio content

Dany is completely unable to understand any of the audio content you might add on your website. Potential reasons are :

What part of the population does Dany represent?

WHO estimates that nearly 20% of the global population is suffering for deafness and hearing loss.

How to help Dany?

One simple advice to make Dany’s life much easier: add captions on your video content. To achieve this, you can add subtitles in your html content:

<video poster="video-poster.jpg" controls title="My video">
  <source src="video.mp4" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' />
    label="English Captions"

It is good to know that Youtube can generate those subtitles automatically: they are not perfect but it is a quick way to make your content accessible to Dany.

Elizabeth cannot navigate using a mouse

Elizabeth encounters some dexterity issues which makes her unable to use a mouse. Why?

As Amy the blind persona, Elizabeth needs to find an alternative solution to access softwares. For her, the solution is the navigation using the keyboard. Several shortcuts exists for Elizabeth to be able to navigate throughout the different contents, and it is important, as a developper to know what they are how to test if they are respected in your app.

What part of the population does Elizabeth represent?

In Canada, 3.5% of the population presents some dexterity issues.

How can you help Elizabeth?

Some basics keyboard navigation principles:

As advised for screen readers, the best solutions to understand Elizabeth problems is to experience them by yourself : you could try using the web without a mouse for one day.

Here are some tips you should know if you wish to make Elizabeth experience smooth:

:focus {
  outline: 3px solid blue;
  <a href="#main">Skip to main content</a>
  <nav role="navigation">
    <!-- page navigation links -->
  <main id="main">
    <!-- page specific content -->

We can also note that screen reader user survey highlighted that screen readers users navigate from object to object using their keyboard. Amy might face the same problems as Elizabeth.

Finn has trouble understanding complex content

It is complicated for Finn to understand complex content. Possibles reasons why:

To help Finn you should provide a website that is readable and predictable.

You cannot know what Finn will and will not understand, but if you keep things as simple as possible it will definitely help him.


The personas of Amy, Bob, Charles, Dany, Elizabeth, and Finn serve as examples of users who may encounter difficulties accessing your content. By understanding and empathizing with the diverse needs and challenges faced by individuals with disabilities, we can create inclusive and accessible products.

These personas have not only deepened my understanding of accessibility but also inspired me to prioritize accessibility as a fundamental principle in my development process. By embracing their perspectives, I have become a better developer, equipped with the tools and knowledge to champion accessibility in my work.

It’s important to note that we did not address all disabilities. Feel free to imagine other personas, such as individuals with a broken arm, epilepsy, or difficulty telling their left from their right.

We went through a few tips that will help your users navigate your websites smoothly, there are numerous additional resources available on the web if you wish to learn more on this matter.

To go further


If you were to remember one thing about this article, it is that is crucial to always keep in mind the users for who you craft your softwares. Understanding the issues they encounter will help you onboarding human aspects of app development, breaking the biases you might hold and fostering inclusiveness within your organizations.

More specifically, the personas we explored remind us several things:

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