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Why You Should Encrypt Your Disk, and How To Do It on Ubuntu with a Dual Boot

Romain Fournier12 min read

Computer secured

Why use disk encryption?

It goes without saying that your computer can contain sensitive information about you or the organization you are working for, such as:

Why is it dangerous?

Stolen identity

Your social security number, your id, or other administrative documents can be used to open bank accounts or credits in your name!

Fraudulent banking transaction

Stolen card numbers are very often sold to groups that will use them to perform online payments on the internet. The point is you can not realize that your number has been stolen until they use it. Then it is too late.


You or your organization can be the victim of blackmailing. You for your personal pictures, for example and your organization for sensitive information, blueprints or source code.


If the stolen machine belongs to a company and contains employee credentials (VPN access for example), they can be used as an entry point on your company network, for a bigger cyber-attack such as ransomware.

Source code leak

If the source code of one of your projects leaks, it makes it easier for hackers to find security breaches in your product or application. It would also make it easier for rival companies to copy your product.

How is it technically possible and how to prevent it?

Your password does not protect your files and data

Even without your password, someone with access to your hard disk can mount it on another operating system (for example by using an Ubuntu live USB key, a very common thing) and access some of the files it contains! It is an easy hacking practice. Nowadays, shady organizations buy second-hand laptops or hard drives to collect sensitive information about their former owner and sell them.

In this video, the French Youtuber Micode shows us how he managed to collect sensitive data and files from second-hand hard disks he bought online:

Also in January 2021, Kaspersky published on their blog an edifying study on data exposed in second-hand devices: **90% of the second-hand devices contain sensitive data!**

“Kaspersky’s Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT) has examined security in secondhand devices. […] An overwhelming majority of the devices the researchers examined contained at least some traces of data — mostly personal but some corporate — and more than 16% of the devices gave the researchers access outright. Another 74% gave up the goods when the researchers applied file-carving methods. A bare 11% had been wiped properly.”

Sarah Pike on Kaspersky’s blog, Jan.29 2021

Encryption to the rescue!

Tutorial part: How to set up full disk encryption on Ubuntu

This article will not cover dual boot set-up, and assume that you either already have a fully-functional dual boot on your device, or your device is ready for installing Ubuntu on dual boot, or you don’t need it.

If you want to set up a dual boot, or enable Windows 10 disk encryption alongside Linux disk encryption, I recommend you switch to this longer, more complete tutorial by Mike Kasberg.

(optional) Back up your data if you want to restore it after installation

Disclaimer: you will still have to reinstall your apps, but they should restore their current settings after reinstallation.

  1. (optional): remove all node modules, venv, composer dependencies, …

    First, you might not want to backup folders like node_modules or other project libraries as they can be very long to copy due to the very large amount of file they contain. Moreover, it is easy to reinstall them after your reinstallation.

    You can remove them manually or use the following command lines to remove all the folders with a given name in your home directory. Feel free to adapt them to the project you have.

    #in your home directory
    cd ~
    #delete all your node modules
    find . -name 'node_modules' -type d -prune -exec rm -rf '{}'
    #delete all your python venv (supposing you named them venv)
    find . -name 'venv' -type d -prune -exec rm -rf '{}'
  2. copy your home to an external drive. You can copy your entire home, or select only some folders you want to keep. Here are a few files and folders you might want to keep if you want to keep your apps settings and preferences:

    • .ssh
    • .config
    • Documents
    • Downloads

    This list is not exhaustive and might depend on the apps you use

Reinstall Linux with full disk encryption

For this you will need a live CD/usb key of Ubuntu.

This tutorial has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

If you want to keep your dual boot

Unfortunately, the “Install Ubuntu alongside windows 10” option in the Ubuntu installer does not provide full disk encryption. We will need to set it up ourselves. If you don’t need a dual boot you can skip to the next section

  1. Select “Try Ubuntu” as you will need to use a few tools to prepare your disk before the installation

Ubuntu installer welcome

  1. Define 2 disk partitions: one that will be encrypted and contain logical volumes for swap and root and one for boot

    1. Open GParted

    Gparted icon

    1. Delete your previous Ubuntu partition if you have one (To do so select the partitions and click on the red button in the top bar. Pay attention not to delete any windows partition). Your disk should look like something like (some unused space):

    Gparted before partition creation.jpg

    1. Then create 2 new partitions:

      1. A partition for boot:

        • size = 500Mio
        • file-system = ext4
        • label = boot
      2. A partition that will be containing swap volume and your Ubuntu installation:

        • size = <the size you want for your Ubuntu, including swap>
        • file-system = unformated
        • label = root

      At this point, your disk should look like something like this (2 new partitions instead of the unused space)

    Gparted after partition creation

    Note the name of your root partition (here /dev/nvme0n1p6) and boot partition (here /dev/nvme0n1p5). Apply your changes and then you can close GParted!

  2. Encrypt your main partition and split it in two logical volumes for swap and root.

    For this, open a terminal and use these commands:

    1. get superuser rights: sudo su

    2. encrypt your boot+swap partition: cryptsetup luksFormat <your_root_partition> (e.g. in my case: cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/nvme0n1p6 ). Type YES to validate and choose a passphrase (that you will need to unlock your disk at boot time)

    3. open the encrypted partition: cryptsetup luksOpen <your_root_partition> ubuntu (in my case: cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p6 ubuntu)

    4. create a physical volume to access this partition: pvcreate /dev/mapper/ubuntu

    5. create a volume group to contain your future logical volumes (root and swap) inside this physical volume: vgcreate vgubuntu /dev/mapper/ubuntu

    6. Inside this volume group, create 2 logical volumes:

      • one for swap (here I use a size of 4G, feel free to adapt your swap size according to your hardware and needs. Usually swap should be around half your ram): lvcreate -n swap -L 4G vgubuntu
      • one for ubuntu (root), that will use all the remaining space: lvcreate -n root -l +100%FREE vgubuntu
    7. Optional: If you want to format your partitions using CLI, you can format them right now. Otherwise, this can be done using the Ubuntu installer:

      • mkswap /dev/mapper/vgubuntu-swap
      • mkfs -t ext4 /dev/mapper/vgubuntu-root

    At this point, your terminal should look like this:

terminal commands luks and logical volumes

  1. Now that all your partitions and logical volumes are ready, you can start your Ubuntu installation (finally)!

    1. Open the installer, and follow the installation process until you get to this screen:

    Ubuntu chose installation type

    Pick “Something else” and Continue

    1. You should see all your disk volumes. Here we need to tell Ubuntu which volume to use for which use.

      • Select /dev/mapper/vgubuntu-root, click Edit and pick the following settings (check format if you didn’t do it with CLI): Root partition settings
      • Select /dev/mapper/vgubuntu-swap, click Edit and pick the following settings: Swap partition settings.png
      • Select the boot partition you created in step 1-c (/dev/nvme0n1p5 in my case), and pick the following settings: Boot partition settings.png
    2. Click install now to start the installation.

    Install now

    Your partition changes should look like this (if you formated them in the installer):

    Partition change confirmation.png

    You can finish the installation process.

    ⚠️ If you want to restore your home folder, you need to create a user with the same name and password as your original one!

    ⚠️ Do not restart your device at the end of installation! At this point, Ubuntu is installed but it does not know that your disk is encrypted. Thus it is not able to boot yet. We will configure it in the next part.

  2. Setup /etc/crypttab, for Ubuntu to know that then encryption is encrypted and how to unlock.

    To do so, click “keep trying” at the end of the installation, and open the terminal. We will mount your new Ubuntu partition and use chroot on it to edit this /etc/crypttab and apply the changes.

    1. Get superuser rights: sudo su

    2. Get your encrypted partition UUID ( ⚠️ not the PARTUUID), it will be needed to set up the crypttab:

      blkid <your_encrypted_partition> (e.g in my case: blkid /dev/nvme0n1p6).

      Keep it for later.

    3. Mount ubuntu: mount /dev/mapper/vgubuntu-root /target

    4. Mount your boot partition: mount <your_boot_partition> /target/boot (i.e. in my case mount /dev/nvme0n1p5 /target/boot

    5. use chroot on the /target and mount everything:

      for n in proc sys dev etc/resolv.conf; do mount --rbind /$n /target/$n; done
      chroot /target`
      mount -a
    6. Now, you can edit /etc/crypttab on the new installation (I’ll do it with nano for the example):

      nano /etc/crypttab

      Copy/paste this inside the new crypttab (don’t forget to replace your encrypted partition UUID!):

      ubuntu UUID=<your_encrypted_partition_id> none luks,discard
    7. Last but not least: apply the modifications of the crypttab:

      update-initramfs -k all -c

🥳You’re done! Congrats, you can exit your live CD and restart your computer!

If everything worked as expected, you will be asked your passphrase to unlock your disk when you start Ubuntu.

If you don’t need a dual boot

If you don’t need a dual boot on your computer, you can also erase your entire disk and install Ubuntu on it. This process is much easier. On the Installation Type screen:

You can go along with the Ubuntu installer then.

Advanced features to enable disk encryption

(Optional) Restore your data

Log in on your new installation and create a new user (superuser). Log out from the user you want to restore and log in on the new superuser. Then you can copy/paste your home or the files you want to restore to their proper emplacement on the home of the user you are currently not logged in.

⚠️ As said earlier, for the restoration to work properly some files will need both of your users (former and new ones) to have the same name and the same password! You can change your password later.

Once it is done, you can log back on the other user and delete the other superuser if you do not need it.


By following this tutorial, you learned about various fields:

About security

About device encryption

About Ubuntu

To go further

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