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Prevent AWS from Reading Your Step Functions Data

Axel Fournier6 min read

woman spying with a telescope

AWS Step Functions is the perfect tool to handle long-running, complex or business-critical workflows such as payment or subscription flows. However, a naive implementation could put sensitive data at risk.

What is AWS Step Functions?

AWS Step Functions is an Amazon cloud service designed to create state machines to orchestrate multiple Lambda functions, branching logic and external services in one place. It presents most of the advantages of the serverless services: the scaling is immediate and the pricing is based only on the computing time and the number of step transitions.

The state machines can be defined directly in the AWS Console with a JSON configuration and you directly have a graph representation of your workflow.

AWS Step Functions state diagram

AWS Step Functions state diagram

At Theodo, we use Serverless as our framework with the Step Functions plugin to write our AWS Lambda functions, define our resources (DynamoDB and Queues) and setup AWS Step Functions and the state machines directly in our codebase.

Example: an identity verification workflow with Step Functions

The previous picture shows an identification verification workflow. It is a piece of a bigger validation flow for banking applications.

What it does is request an identification URL to a third-party system, send this link by text message to the applicant and wait for them to complete the identity verification. When it is done, the third-party system calls a webhook, which restarts the state machine and either triggers a retry, sends a rejection email, or continues the global validation process.

Graphical representation of the identification workflow

The identification flow

To perform all of those actions, sensitive information will flow through the inputs and outputs of the state machine steps:

Problem: we are exposing sensitive data

With this implementation, we see that sensitive data flow through the inputs and outputs of your state machine directly.


  Type: Task
  Resource: arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke
      Fn::ImportValue: ${self:provider.stage}-sendSMS-Function-arn
      creditApplicationId.$: $.creditApplicationId
      creditApplicant.$: $.creditApplicant
      phoneNumber.$: $.phoneNumber
      message.$: $.smsBody
  ResultPath: $.identificationSMS
  Next: WaitIdentification
An exemple of sensitive data flowing through our inputs and outputs

The problem is: nowadays, most DevOps engineer, developers and even some product managers with access to AWS and can see that information. Furthermore, AWS Lambda dumps are stored in an S3 bucket which is not encrypted with the default configuration. Any malicious access to your AWS stack could leak sensitive information far more easily than by corrupting your database for example. The more you spread sensitive information between multiple services, the more you put yourself at risk. Finally, as it is stated in AWS documentation:

Any data that you enter into Step Functions or other services might get picked up for inclusion in diagnostic logs.

Depending on your data classification or threat model, this could be totally unaceptable. With that in mind, you may completely dump AWS Step Functions, or you may try to find a solution because the tool is still awesome and perfectly suits your needs!

Our solution

To prevent leaking sensitive information, we need to clean every step function input and output. Here are three ways of doing it:

Second and third solutions also requires break-glass processes to allow developpers to legitimately access log data, for debugging or support matters.

Considering everything, we prefered to implement the last solution because we wanted to keep our sensitive data in a single safe spot, where we put a lot of attention to the security. Also, we were already using secured AWS DynamoDB encrypted with external KMS keys for the waiting tokens of our lambda functions. Thus, we decided to create a new table to store sensitive data between steps.

We configured it like below.


  Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table
  DeletetionPolicy: Retain
    TableName: step-sensitive-input-table
      - AttributeName: sensitiveInputId
        AttributeType: S
      - AttributeName: sensitiveInputId
        KeyType: HASH
    BillingMode: PAY_PER_REQUEST
      PointINTimeRecoveryEnabled: true
      SSEEnabled: true
      SSEType: KMS
      KeyId: hsm-key-id
DynamoDB table definition in Serverless

We were already using DynamoDB from our lambdas to save our waiting task tokens and we chose to add another table to save sensitive data between steps. Furthermore, on AWS, you can choose to save the encryption keys of your DynamoDB tables outside of AWS, which was a big plus for us.

To avoid repeating ourselves, we coded a wrapper that we use on all our lambdas. It does the following things:

After the return of the lambda, the wrapper:

Before the execution of the main lambda function, the wrapper:

// encryption-wrapper.ts

export default (lambdaHandler: LambdaHandler): LambdaHandler => {
  const decryptHandler = async (event: any) => {
    const decryptedInformation = await getSensitiveData(event.sensitiveInputId);
    return lambdaHandler({ ...event, ...decryptedInformation });

  return async (event: any) => {
    const clearOutput = await decryptHandler(event);
    const sensitiveInputId = await storeSensitiveData(clearOutput);

    for (const sensitiveKey of sensitiveInputKeys) {
      delete clearOutput[sensitiveKey];

    return { sensitiveInputId, ...clearOutput };
Our custom encryption wrapper

Last of all, we needed to encrypt the first input at the start of our state machine from the API to finally secure our users information all the way!


Thank you very much for reading my article. Feel free to comment, ask for implementation details, and feel free to share the problems that you encountered with AWS Step Functions.

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