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Symfony, Ansible and your staging server set up in one hour

Maxime Thoonsen2 min read

[Edit]: I’m writting a book about Ansible, click here if want a free draft.
When you start a new project and you create the Ansible provisioning for it, you will do those tasks:

All of this requires time and Ansible’s knowledge to perform. So I wrote a very opinionated and simple yeoman like tool to automate it. My choices are:

With very one command line, you get what you want:


What is there inside ?

The steps are pretty straightforward and explained on the documentation.

If you have any question, feel free to ping me on Twitter and/or create an issue on Github. All feedbacks are very welcome =).

If you want to know more about how to build great Ansible playbook, this article may give you some ideas.

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